After not taking family photos last year, I vowed that we would never skip a year again. So on a gorgeous November morning, we headed to my chosen location with our regular photographer (my mom.) We pulled into the parking lot and the wind was shaking the car! Definitely not ideal for family photos. My mom suggested a park in town where it might be a little more sheltered so we headed there next. Once we got there, it was obvious that the universe had sent us there because the trees were a gorgeous shade of yellow! I was so happy with our change that I completely forgot to tell my mom how to focus the camera. Cue the facepalm emoji here. Some weren’t terribly out of focus, but the ones with the kids smiling their best were totally unusable. It was cold and when we tried to retake them, everyone was just a little bit grumpy. So we ventured out again a few days later and took a few more with the tripod.

It took me a few weeks to plan our outfits, but I am so happy with how everything turned out! Coordinating outfits for family photos can be stressful, but that’s what I’m here for! You can text me pictures, call me for outfit ideas, or email me links to dresses online. I’m up for all of it! My biggest piece of advice is to dress mom first. Us moms tend to be the pickiest about our clothes and we obviously want to feel comfortable, so choose your outfit first. I chose this shirt because I absolutely love the floral pattern. I even wore it for our anniversary session last year, that’s how much I love it! Next, I chose Enzo’s outfit. His maroon pants picked up the colors in the flowers and his black shirt was a nice neutral. Gemma had literally nothing to wear, so I ordered her a pale pink sweater that would also compliment my flowers. My husband didn’t have a lot of options either, so we settled on these eggplant pants with neutrals on top. This brings me to my second piece of advice: coordinate, don’t match. We are perfectly coordinated without being too matchy, and our colors look great in front of the yellow leaves!

My whole heart in one photo!
We made sure to take a family photo with my mom because one of my biggest regrets is not taking a photo of the six of us at our last family session before my dad died.
The birthday boy! We actually took our photos on the same day as Enzo’s birthday party.
I always make sure to take at least one shot of just mom and dad!